“I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful, I know that full well.” Ps 139:14
When I mention the word masterpiece what image comes to mind? Is it a gallery of paintings by Monet? Is it a sunset that majestically fades from brilliant yellow to flaming orange, to dashing pink? Is it a waterfall, a house, a person? Is it your very own, God created body?
I’m guessing not many of us have our bodies pop into our minds when masterpiece is the topic of conversation. Typically our words and thoughts about our body are negative. We criticize our shape, our weight, our hair, our eyes, our smile, our voice, our skin.
Have you ever called your body a masterpiece? Me either, but I believe that’s how God wants us to think of our bodies. We are not to worship them, but we are to say with confidence, “I am fearfully and wonderfully made.”
What does that really mean?
Fearfully (yare) means to revere (1). Wonderfully (palah) means to distinguish, show difference, set apart (2). Any thoughts?
I had a few. I think God wants us to revere how intricately and differently He made each one of us. None of us are the same because we weren’t meant to be the same. Ever wonder why God didn’t make more Adams? After all, Adam did work. He functioned just like God made him to function. But, God didn’t just want function; He wanted differences, uniqueness, individuals. God created you, in the real sense of the word, to look different than others, to be distinguished from others and to be set apart from others.
Be honest, it is pretty “masterpiece” like to never create an identical piece of work. Stop trying to be someone else. Stop wishing you had her hair or her legs or her career. Start revering who you are because, my sister, God made you a masterpiece!
1. Strong, James. Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible. Hendrickson Publishers., 52.
2. Strong, James. Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible. Hendrickson Publishers., 95.
3. Vine, W.E. Vine’s complete Expository Dictionary of Old and New Testament Words. Thomas Nelson Publishers 149.