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Tuesday, September 17, 2013

More useful than one might think

After two weeks with extra legs, I've discovered crutches are good for...

opening the curtains,

entertaining children,

turning on and off lights,

and shooing away cats that threaten to take me out.

As you can see these metal legs can be quite helpful, and  

since I have four more weeks with them, I'm glad the doctor let me pick the color.  I know purple was a good choice.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

 Me and the girls decided to build a dog town. The storyline behind it is kind of complicated. The town, which is called Shinook, was founded by Professor Creests Shiloh. It was built in the ruins of Beshoh an ancient city that was destroyed during a war. Everyone except the professor and his assistant, named Chandler, is part of one big family.
 Towards the end of our game we got bored so we made some of the kids build a space ship. In the first picture, the large blob of legos in the rightmost part of the picture is their mission control.
 This is the train that comes every week bringing coal and an occasional passenger. The train was formed when a young man went to the neighboring city called Chasler. He made his fortune and used his money to build a rail road to Shinook. However he ran out of money half way through so the people of the town pooled money to finish it but they made him promise to always deliver the coal to them or else they would burn down the train. 
 These are the stairs that lead to the town gardens. it is considered the most dangerous stair case in the whole land, and all of the men have to climb it every day!
 This is the hospital. it is run by an old man but he comes in handy when somebody is very sick.
 These are some of the ruins of Beshoh. These are the only ruins which have a standing door.
This is the professor's house. The professor is the dog with the blue head and the other dog is Chandler. They have the nicest house in town. The second floor, which is the floor they are standing on is the professor's study.                                                            

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Not quite as planned

Last Monday as I practiced with Rebekah's soccer team, I experienced something new: a loud pop in my leg, burning in my calf muscle, and the inability to walk.  All are signs of tearing the Achilles tendon.  After seeing the tendon completely severed on the MRI, my doctor put me on the list for surgery the next day. 

I am moving much slower with crutches and my family is having to adjust to me not being able to do anything, but I have several blessings.  

My friends have created a list of who is bringing us dinner for the next three weeks.  Such a praise to have friends who can help us out during this time.

People from the church whose path I rarely cross have sent cards to tell me they are praying for me.

My kids have the opportunity to develop a servant's heart.

I have more down time to finalize the Bible studies I've written and hopefully make them available to you all.

I have a greater compassion for those with a disability.  Everything is much harder and takes much longer to complete.

I am reminded of the amazing husband God gave me.  I have woken him up in the night to get me my medicine, watched as he prepared my plate of food at each meal, and asked him numerous times to carry my crutches up the stairs and then help me stand.  God blessed me thirteen years ago. 

Although this was not in my plans, I am looking for the treasure God will bring out of it.

Sunday, September 1, 2013


                                           The girls and I decided to start a bug collection.

 This part consists of a grasshopper, two wasps, a fly, and two honey bees. I have no idea what the thing in the upper left corner is.
This is a giant praying mantis that I found. It was a lot bigger when it was alive.
