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Monday, October 28, 2013

Space Invaders

Samuel, Gabby, and I built this spaceship for our stuffed animals so they could go to the moon. If you look closely you can see into the cockpit of the spaceship. By: Rebekah

Friday, October 25, 2013

Part time plumber

We discovered a crack in our toilet which was allowing a small amount of water to drip out. So I made a trip in to town to get a new toilet and Samuel helped me install it. FYI for those who ever need to replace their toilet, its really easy.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

A sweet surprise

My girls knew I needed a little pick-me-up one day and left these for me.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

On to the Next Phase

Yea for the boot! Being able to partially walk is great, but being able to put my foot down without swelling, is fantastic. I can now cook (sort of), load the dishwasher (mostly), and do a few laps around the house to feel a bit better. I had my first two physical therapy sessions. I am writing the alphabet with my foot three times a day. Today I did a few stretches. Already I have more motion than I did on Monday. Thank-you gentlemen from Lawrenceburg Physical Therapy. I will everything you tell me to do so that I can make it to Texas in January and be able to walk in Paraguay.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Deer season already

Today was the opening day of youth deer season. Unfortunately since we haven't had a frost yet, most of the trees still have their leaves and the bushes are thick. This makes it all but impossible to see very far on our land. We did scare one away as we were walking to the stand in the dark this morning and then we saw one walking through the bushes, but Samuel didn't have a clear shot so he didn't take it.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013


The kids and I went down to our creek to take some pictures last week. I think they had an agreement that they were going to take turns ruining the photos.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Special Things

Rebekah, a special daughter, and I pulled out the quilt, a special project, I started for her a few years (8 yrs) ago. Maybe I'll finish it before winter. I do have two more weeks on the couch.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Please Pray

Since we are having some technical difficulties loading pictures, I'll take this opportunity to ask for prayer. We are preparing to leave for Spanish language school in January. That is only three months away. We have already sent in the application and are currently on the waiting list for housing. Over these next three months please keep these things in prayer. My leg to heal completely so I can help with the packing and moving. (Walking again would be fantastic). Wisdom about packing and selling our items. Wisdom about the house. It appears, at this time, that God has a different plan than it selling. Friends for the kids in Texas. They are nervous and scared about the change and sad about saying good-bye to their friends here. Darin's studies at the seminary. He has several more weeks of class and his time to study will begin to overlap with time to pack and finalize details to move. We still need monthly support. We have just under $800 a month left to raise. Thank-you for keeping us in your prayers. We cannot do what is before without you all lifting us up before God's throne of grace.